Surviving any accident will leave you with damages that you deserve to be fully compensated for. If an accident left you with catastrophic and life-altering injuries, the loss and pain you may face can overwhelm you and leave you on an indefinite road to recovery.

After suffering a catastrophic injury in the State of California, you will have enough to deal with without worrying about navigating the legal process to pursue compensation. You will likely need to seek help from legal professionals who have experience dealing with catastrophic injuries. The Law Offices of J.G. Winter are equipped to help you understand what injuries count as catastrophic in California.

What Is a Catastrophic Injury?

A catastrophic injury is much worse than a broken bone or scrape. For an injury to be considered catastrophic, it has to involve severe damage to the spine, spinal cord, or brain. A catastrophic injury can also include skull and spinal fractures. Generally, catastrophic injuries

Common Causes of Catastrophic Injuries

It is unpredictable which incidents might cause catastrophic injuries. Whether the accident is caused by the negligence of another or is just a freak occurrence, here are a few of the most common causes of catastrophic injuries in California:

  • Construction accidents
  • Car accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Workplace accidents
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • A big fall
  • Sport or recreation accidents
  • Medical errors
  • Accidents resulting from the use of defective medical equipment

While these are a few common causes, there are countless ways one can fall victim to a catastrophic injury, so it is vital to practice caution in any risky situation.

Common Catastrophic Injuries in California

Catastrophic injuries could forever alter your way of life and leave you in a position of needing constant support or medical care. Catastrophic injuries like these often occur as a result of the negligence or improper care of another. The following are some of the most common types of catastrophic injuries that occur in California:

  • Burn injuries: Most burn injuries are preventable but unfortunately remain common due to the negligence of others. No matter how the burn was incurred, a third-degree burn or worse is a catastrophic injury that can be extremely costly to treat.
  • Brain injuries: This injury can be a silent killer as many brain injuries go unnoticed until it is too late. This is why it is imperative to seek medical help after an accident that could have affected your head or skull.
  • Limb loss: The loss of a limb can completely change the way you live your life and may involve prolonged medical care and physical therapy.
  • Spinal cord injury: This type of injury may result in partial or complete paralysis, and many other related effects may occur. This type of injury can be one of the most devastating as these injuries may often be permanent.
  • Brachial plexus: Damage to nerves within the arm, shoulders, or chest area can have painful or debilitating results.

If you have experienced any of the above injuries or any other type of catastrophic injury, you deserve to have supportive legal counsel should you choose to pursue a personal injury claim. Jeremy Winter is particularly keen in assisting victims of catastrophic injuries so they can move on with their lives.

Get Help from California Personal Injury Lawyers

Suffering any injury is devastating, but the costs of a catastrophic injury often exceed affordability. Often leaving victims debilitated, these injuries may never be fully healed. Additionally, there is nothing more significant than the lifestyle changes you will need to adjust to. If you’re considering taking legal action, you deserve attentive and aggressive representation. The experienced lawyers at the Law Offices of J.G. Winter may be able to help you pursue a fair settlement following a catastrophic injury. For a free case evaluation, fill out our contact form or call (844) 734-2626.

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