Each year, an average of 1.5 million Americans suffer a life-altering brain injury. While brain injuries may affect many aspects of a victim’s life, many people may be unaware that a brain injury can affect a person’s sexual behavior. While it may be uncomfortable to talk about, it is important that the victim and their loved ones are aware of how their injury can affect sexual behavior and issues that may arise as a result. 

Jeremy Winter of The Law Offices of J.G. Winter is an experienced brain injury lawyer in California. Attorney Winter is dedicated to helping his clients pursue financial compensation for the losses caused by their injuries, including how a brain injury may affect a victim long term. If you have suffered a brain injury that has caused changes to your sexual behavior, you should consult a medical specialist. 

How do Traumatic Injuries Affect the Brain?

An acquired brain injury, or ABI, refers to any brain injury that occurs at any point after birth. A traumatic brain injury is a type of ABI and may be caused by any of the following:

  • Infection
  • Disease
  • Lack of oxygen
  • Blow to the head

One of the most common causes of traumatic brain injuries are those caused by catastrophic car accidents. These injuries may cause victims to suffer from changes in their thinking, behavior, and body function. How a brain injury affects a person depends on which part of the brain was injured and how severe. In most cases, the more severe the brain injury, the more damaging the symptoms will be for the victim.

Changes to Sexual Behavior After a Brain Injury

On the list of undesirable symptoms resulting from a brain injury, changes in sexual behavior may be the most uncomfortable for victims to speak about. Common changes to sexual behavior after a brain injury include:

  • Reduced libido
  • Erectile problems
  • Inability to orgasm
  • Reduced frequency of sex

If you have experienced any of these changes in sexual behavior following a brain injury, you should seek the help of a medical specialist who may help treat these issues.

How Does a Brain Injury Affect Sexual Behavior?

Arousal and sexual functioning involve various areas of the brain. If the brain becomes damaged, this may lead to a person experiencing difficulty when having sex. While their physical functions may not have been injured, they may not feel sexual in the same way as they did before their brain injury. Other factors that may contribute to a person’s changed sexual behavior following a brain injury include:

  • Depression, anxiety, or stress
  • Medications
  • Sexual difficulties before the brain injury

While a change in sexual behavior may be frustrating, there are ways that you may be able to overcome these symptoms of your brain injury.

Partner With a California Brain Injury Lawyer

Brain injuries can be life-altering for victims in all aspects of their lives, including their sexual behavior. If you were injured in an accident that has left you with a brain injury, you may be able to pursue financial compensation for the losses you have suffered. Partner with a California brain injury lawyer to get help building a strong brain injury claim. 

Jeremy Winter of The Law Offices of J.G. Winter is a knowledgeable brain injury lawyer helping clients in California get their lives back on track. Attorney Winter understands that recovering from a damaging brain injury can be traumatic and stressful for victims. That is why he is proud to provide the dedicated representation they deserve as he helps them pursue financial compensation. Schedule a free consultation by filling out this online contact form or call (844) 734-2626.

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