You may have heard or seen many things about spinal cord injuries and what injured people may endure after an accident. However, different myths float around when it comes to serious spinal injuries, paralysis, and other possible effects of suffering from a severe accident. It is essential to understand the truth and know the facts about how spinal cord injuries affect the daily lives of those involved.

If you or a loved one has suffered serious injury or damage to the spine due to an accident, it is important to understand your rights and know the facts that can help your case. At The Law Offices of JG Winter, our skilled spinal cord injury attorney understands spinal cord injuries and our client’s rights when filing a claim against a liable party. Continue reading to discover more about these injuries and various myths to avoid believing.

Getting the Facts After an Accident

Suffering injuries in an accident, primarily when related to the spine, can significantly change an individual’s life. A brain or spinal injury and other traumatic events cause many physical, emotional, and mental effects on the injured individual. No two injuries are alike, and the effects that an injured person experiences may vary greatly.

With a skilled legal team on your side, a thorough evaluation will be done for your case to determine the best course of action to take in order to seek compensation for your injuries. Our team is dedicated to our clients, and we are eager to help them understand their rights and the facts about their injuries.

Seven Common Myths About Spinal Cord Injuries

There are different misconceptions about spinal cord injuries and what causes them. Understanding the facts and having the right information can help you take action after an accident and during the recovery process. Below are seven of the most common myths about spinal cord injuries.

1.  Spinal Cord Injuries Are Mainly a Result of a Sport Injury

While many spinal injuries are caused during sporting accidents, this only accounts for about 8.7% of new spinal cord injury cases in the United States. Common causes of spinal cord injuries include car accidents, slip and fall accidents, sports injuries, and acts of violence.

2. Everyone With a Spinal Cord Injury Suffers From Total Paralysis

A common misconception of spinal cord injuries is that all injured individuals have total paralysis. This is not always the case, as there are different types of paralysis. An estimated 1 in 50 people in the United States suffer from paralysis related to a spinal cord injury or other causes.

3. Your Ability to Recover Depends Only on Your Age

Another misconception about spinal cord injuries is that age is the only factor in the ability to recover. As we age, our muscles, bones, and quality of health may change. However, younger people don’t have an easier recovery solely because of their young age. An injury to the spine requires therapy, treatment, and lengthy recovery for any individual, depending on the severity of the accident and injuries sustained.

4. A Physical Therapist Determines the Length of Your Rehabilitation

Physical therapists and occupational therapists specialize in helping people recover from

surgeries, serious accidents, and traumatic events that take a toll on muscular health and mobility. While a therapist in an injured person’s recovery period plays a considerable role in their process, they cannot guarantee how long a patient will need rehabilitation and time away from other activities. It is important to seek medical attention and follow up with your entire health care team, not solely a physical therapist.

5. All Spinal Cord Injuries Are Alike and the Results Are the Same

Spinal cord injuries may have commonalities in the kinds of accidents that cause them. However, no two injuries are alike, as many people suffer injuries in different locations of the neck, back, or spine from serious accidents. People who suffer spinal injuries may endure different symptoms, effects, and recovery times. Surgeries, treatments, and recoveries also differ depending on the person’s health, the severity of the accident, and if the accident left permanent damage.

6. Once You Are Discharged From a Hospital or Rehab, Your Recovery Ends There

Being discharged from a hospital or rehab center may seem like a relief for many. However, the recovery process does not end there for individuals with a spinal cord injury. They may require time off work, physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments, or even have to continue re-learning how to perform daily activities following the permanent damage they endured. Typically, it is also recommended to repeat medical imaging and follow up with your doctor in the months and years following an accident to ensure the recovery process is helping the individual regain their well-being.

7. You Don’t Need an Injury Attorney on Your Case

An important aspect of any traumatic, catastrophic, and serious accident is having a successful legal team on your case. If you or your family member have suffered a serious injury, disfigurement, spinal damage, or permanent injury resulting from a negligent party’s action, you have the right to file a claim and pursue compensation after the accident. Submitting a claim within California’s permitted time frame ensures that your case is handled immediately and without delay. At JG Winter Law Firm in Sacramento, we understand the severity of your accident and what you are going through. Allow us to help you through the legal process, as many people attempt to handle a case on their own and don’t receive a favorable outcome.

Contact JG Winter Law Firm to Help You Succeed in Your Sacramento Spinal Cord Injury Case

Spinal cord injuries are very serious and often very difficult to navigate through after enduring an accident. At The Law Offices of JG Winter, our skilled attorney, Jeremy G. Winter has helped thousands of clients that endured traumatic brain injury and other severe injuries resulting from an accident caused by a negligent party. Our team is dedicated to helping ensure that your personal injury case is handled right and helping you pursue the compensation owed to you during your recovery. You may contact our office by filling out a contact form or calling (844) 734-2626 to schedule a free consultation.

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