When it comes to traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), the signs can be subtle and may not appear right away. Doctors classify TBIs into three categories: mild, moderate, and severe. However, many attorneys and doctors consider there to be no such thing as a mild brain injury. Understanding how you can get a TBI and what symptoms to watch for is vital.

If you’re suffering from a TBI, a personal injury attorney can help you receive the compensation you deserve.

What Causes a TBI?

An impact to the head typically causes traumatic brain injuries. The degree of damage can depend on several factors, including how the injury happened and the force of the impact. Common causes of a TBI are:

  • Falls: Falls from a bed or ladder, down stairs, in the bath, or any other type are the most common cause of TBIs. Falls are even more common as the cause in older adults and young children.
  • Motor accidents: Collisions that jolt you forward in a car are another common cause of a TBI.
  • Sports injuries: High-impact sports like football, soccer, hockey, and lacrosse can cause TBIs. Sports injuries are more common in young adults.

Traumatic brain injuries can also result from penetrating wounds like blows to the head from debris or body collisions with objects after a blast.

Signs and Symptoms of a TBI

The severity of symptoms depends on whether the injury is mild, moderate, or severe. The symptoms are the same for all three classifications but last longer or are more serious the worse the damage is. Some symptoms might appear right after the accident, like:

  • Confusion
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Blurry vision
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Short term memory loss

Some of these symptoms may clear up on their own after a few days or weeks but can last for months. Also, some symptoms won’t show up right away, like:

  • Trouble concentrating
  • Continued memory loss
  • Sleep problems
  • Mood swings and irritability
  • Sensitivity to light and noise

It’s important to note that not everyone experiences all of these symptoms. For instance, if you and a friend bump heads, your friend may have a headache, but you may have blurry vision. You’re both suffering from a TBI and need to see a doctor.

Signs That a Child Has a TBI

Young children also have a high risk of developing a TBI. However, their symptoms may differ from signs found in older children and adults. It may be even more difficult because kids don’t know how to describe how they feel clearly. Some symptoms to look for are:

  • Excessive crying
  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of interest in favorite toys or activities
  • Sleep issues

If you’re unsure whether your child is experiencing a TBI, you need to seek medical advice as soon as possible.

How Is a TBI Diagnosed?

When diagnosing a TBI, doctors will ask how the injury happened, what area of the head got hit, and whether the individual lost consciousness or has exhibited behavioral changes. Doctors will also measure cognitive function or order a CT or MRI scan. Scans can show fractures, blood clots, and bruising or swelling in the brain.

Tips to Prevent a TBI

There are many ways you can keep yourself safe from sustaining a traumatic brain injury. Wearing a seatbelt every time you’re in a car can significantly reduce risk of trauma to the brain if you’re in an accident. You should also wear a helmet anytime you ride a bike or play a contact sport.

Consult a Skilled Sacramento Brain Injury Lawyer

Brain injuries can inflict a lifetime of difficulty and hardship on accident victims and their families. Having an experienced brain injury lawyer will allow you to secure maximum compensation for your injuries and losses. Under California’s statute of limitations, accident victims have two years to file a claim for damages, including traumatic brain injuries.

The Law Offices of JG Winter are committed to helping clients in the Sacramento area and throughout California communities. To speak with an accomplished Sacramento brain injury attorney, call (844) 734-2626 or complete our online contact form today. We’ll fight for you to receive the compensation you deserve.

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