With each passing year, we honor those living with traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). Nearly thirty years ago, the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) achieved its lifelong mission to advocate and spread awareness of brain injuries after launching the More Than My Brain Injury Campaign, officially declaring March as Brain Injury Awareness Month.

From recognizing survivors and promoting storytelling to improving quality of life and highlighting preventive measures, the purpose of the campaign is dynamic in nature. Recently, the goal of the campaign called for a shift in the way our world sees brain injuries. Titled #ChangeYourMind, BIAA’s efforts aim to de-stigmatize these injuries, empower survivors and caretakers, and provide resources and support. Join the movement today.

In the meantime, we’ve made it our mission to use our platform to advocate for accident victims who have suffered chronic physical and psychological brain trauma due to the negligence of others. Use the material below to identify the signs of a TBI and where to find help.

Knowing the Signs of a TBI

Because TBI victims don’t always have physical wounds, they are often doubted by others and, worse, themselves. Depending on the severity of the blow to the head, a TBI typically occurs as either a closed or penetrating injury. The difference is that the skull doesn’t break in a closed TBI. While closed TBI’s may not leave a mark or scar, the trauma that exists can be just as significant or urgent as an open wound.

Even what appears as a minor hit to the head in a car accident or slip and fall can damage the brain. That’s why it’s important to talk openly about the signs of a TBI and ask directly if you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Vision issues
  • Weakness
  • Memory problems
  • Trouble concentrating or retaining information
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Confusion
  • Slurred speech

If you have concerns about your health after an accident in California, seek out input from medical professionals who are qualified to help. Do not wait to receive an evaluation. For many TBI victims, early intervention is essential and effective in preventing further complications.

Contact TBI lawyer to prevent any complications.

Victim of a Traumatic Brain Injury in California? You’re Not Alone

With a brain injury, everything becomes so much harder. Don’t let people undermine your injuries, your feelings, or your losses. Healing takes time; therefore, you need both financial and emotional support. The Law Offices of JG Winter are here to help you overcome your struggles by ensuring you’re fairly compensated after an accident in California. We know the invaluable role powerful representation plays in your personal injury claim, and we do everything possible to provide you with peace of mind knowing your future is secure.

Get in touch with our brain injury lawyers to discuss your case and discover what you deserve by completing a contact form or calling 844-734-2626 today.

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