After a traumatic brain injury (TBI), it may take you months or even years to return to work. However, this time frame is different for everyone, and you should not rush it. Rushing through a TBI recovery may make your condition worse, only taking longer to heal. 

Before returning to work, you should consult with your doctor. Even if you feel comfortable returning, they may advise you to wait. Once they do clear you to return, you might face challenges when going back to work after a TBI. Here, we have compiled a list of challenges you might encounter and how to overcome them. 

Remember, if your TBI resulted from another person’s negligent actions, you might be entitled to financial compensation. Obtaining compensation for your losses can be challenging to do while you recover, so consider hiring a Sacramento TBI attorney. They can handle and pursue your claim while you heal. 

Resuming Normal Duties after a TBI 

Returning to the workplace and performing all your duties again is dependent on which parts of the brain sustained damage. Brains are complex, and they do not heal in the same way as a broken bone or torn muscle does. Doctors typically recommend returning to work for only a few hours a week and increasing hours and responsibilities through a phased approach. 

However, fatigue from mental stimulation and sensory processing issues may negatively impact your recovery and work performance. As such, you should work with your doctor and employer on a schedule that can accommodate your recovery. When developing this plan, keep in mind the business’ environment and contact with other employees. You may also want to incorporate a temporary plan to work from home. 

Support in the Workplace from Colleagues 

When returning to work after a TBI, your colleagues will likely support you. They may even offer adjustments, such as an ergonomic chair, desks, and computer equipment. While these are essential to recovery, you might come across more disabling aspects of the work environment, such as noise, lighting, conversations, and clutter. 

Survivors of brain injuries usually have difficulty filtering out unwanted information, meaning that any object, sign, or noise can overwhelm the individual. Adjustments may require unusual steps compared to other health conditions to allow the survivor to focus all their mental resources to focus on their role and performance. Do not be afraid to speak with nearby workers or managers to develop a plan. Remember, you might have to think outside the box, such as coming in hours before others begin their day.

Managers May Not Give Full Feedback on Work 

Brain injury survivors typically have challenges remembering things, problem-solving, adapting to change, or picking up the social cues of others, and employers may be hesitant to give feedback. They may worry about upsetting you and reassign your tasks to others. 

When managers do not address problems right away, issues persist and grow to where the work is suffering. Instead, start a discussion with your manager and inform them you want them to be treated as you were before. When employers address problems and give constructive feedback, both you and the company learn how to adapt and manage issues. 

Speak to a California TBI Attorney Today 

If you are suffering from a traumatic brain injury, contact The Law Offices of J.G. Winter. We have the skill and experience needed to handle these complex cases. Additionally, we will handle all day-to-day aspects of your case so that you can focus on recovery. When you partner with Attorney Jeremy Winter, you can be confident that he will do everything possible to hold the responsible party accountable for their actions. He is a fierce advocate who will pursue your claim until he reaches a favorable outcome. 

With a proven track record of success, you can count on us to fight for you. To schedule a free consultation, call (844) 734-2626 or complete our contact form

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