The category of rigs can impact the types of truck accidents. Factors like the truck’s design, dimensions, and weight can contribute to a range of accidents on the road. Elements such as blind spots and limited maneuverability can further worsen the complexities of these incidents. Whether it is a commercial truck transporting goods or a truck of different purposes, accidents involving any truck pose the risk of fatality. Truck accidents represent complex legal cases that need the expertise of a skilled Sacramento truck accident lawyer for a successful outcome.


What are trucking accidents?


truck accident sacramento


An accident involving a large truck, usually a commercial vehicle such as a semi truck, tractor trailer, or big rig is a trucking accident. Such accidents can result in varying degrees of damage to property, injuries, or even fatalities. Thus, cases involving commercial vehicles are often difficult to navigate.

Trucking accidents may occur for various reasons, including driver error, mechanical failures, adverse weather conditions, etc. Every truck accident is different but can significantly harm you. Let’s discuss the 9 most dangerous types of trucking accidents.


Rollover accidents

By nature, trucks have lower stability than passenger cars, increasing the chance of flipping onto their top or side. Rollovers may occur when a truck collides with an obstacle, like a traffic barrier or curb. Driver errors such as speeding, unsafe lane changing, or distracted or drowsy driving also contribute to such mishaps. Additionally, equipment malfunctions in the truck can cause rollovers.

The consequences of a rollover accident extend beyond the immediate incident. Such accidents may lead to collisions with other vehicles or even result in explosions, causing harm to individuals. These accidents are more prone than other truck accidents to cause fatalities or severe injuries. Driver training, adherence to speed limits, and regulatory compliance measures can prevent such accidents.


Jackknife accidents

Jackknife accidents occur when a truck driver abruptly applies the brakes or the rig’s brakes lock up. Abrupt braking can lead to a fishtail effect, causing the truck’s back end to roll and ultimately resulting in a jackknife situation.
This type of truck accident is highly dangerous as a jackknifed truck is prone to rollover or overturn. Additionally, the unpredictable skidding of the trailer that may collide with nearby vehicles makes jackknifing more hazardous.
Safe braking practices are crucial to prevent jackknife accidents and ensure road safety.


Wide turn or “squeeze play” accidents

Wide turn collisions occur when a truck driver maneuvers to make a turn. Inattentive drivers usually overlook the length of the truck while making a turn, which poses a risk of confining and injuring others on the road. They must exercise caution when making turns, especially considering that right hand turns are narrower than left hand turns. If the driver fails to turn carefully, it may pose a hazard to vehicles in the opposing lanes. Also, they may collide with the truck and become trapped underneath it. 

Traffic regulations advocate for adopting proper turning techniques to mitigate the risk of wide turns.


Underride accidents

Underride accidents happen when a small vehicle gets trapped underneath the trailer of a large commercial truck. In these situations, the smaller vehicle can crush beneath the truck’s trailer, leading to severe consequences. The risks of such accidents go beyond physical injuries due to the size and weight disparity between commercial trucks and passenger vehicles.

Installing the rear underride guards on the trucks can be a preventive measure for underride accidents.


T-bone accidents

T-bone accidents involving trucks colliding with the side of passenger vehicles are often serious. It is also known as broadside or side impact collisions and usually happens near intersections. Truck drivers who are speeding, inattentive, or under the influence may illegally pass over intersections, causing collisions. Additionally, a T-bone collision may occur if a truck driver turns incorrectly across one or more traffic lanes, resulting in an accident.

To prevent such accidents, drivers must exercise caution at intersections, obey traffic signals, and observe oncoming traffic before operating a vehicle.


Blind spot accidents

The blind spots for trucks are quite large, reaching about 20 feet in front and 30 feet behind. Due to this, it gets hard for the driver to detect other vehicles or pedestrians on the road. On the driver’s side, there is a blind spot that covers one lane, and on the passenger’s side, it is even bigger, covering two lanes. Truck drivers need to physically turn and check these blind spots, as regular mirrors do not cover these crucial areas. Issues like poor mirror installation can make the situation worse.

A driver failing to check and proceed can lead to serious accidents such as sideswiping or rear end. Other reasons behind blind spot accidents include driver fatigue, distractions, or insufficient training. It is crucial to have comprehensive safety measures to reduce the risk of accidents related to blind spots.


Truck tire blowouts

Truck tire blowouts often lead to loss of control, resulting in collisions with other vehicles or pedestrians. These incidents are most common in large trucks carrying heavy loads over long distances. There are different reasons behind tire blowouts, including potholes, underinflated or overinflated tires, excessive braking, and tire defects.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration mandates regular inspections and maintenance to ensure the truck is in good condition before hitting the road.


Brake failure accidents

Brake failure accidents involving commercial trucks usually result from human errors and mechanical issues. Inadequate upkeep of braking systems or improper downhill braking techniques causes overheating, contributing to brake failures. Likewise, neglecting proper maintenance due to cost cutting or oversight increases the risk of accidents during emergency braking.

Training, regular maintenance practices, or following safety rules can mitigate the catastrophic consequences of brake failure accidents on the road.


Spilled cargo accidents

Cargo spills are capable of causing fatality in certain accidents. Some of the spills might be hazardous chemicals or other dangerous materials, making a minor incident more severe and disastrous. Although cargo shifting is not a primary stimulant for truck accidents, the abrupt and forceful maneuvers that trucks undergo during accidents often dump the cargo onto the road.
Any truck accident can cause serious and fatal injuries to those involved.

If you are in the passenger vehicle, you might suffer more than the truck driver. Consider seeking legal help from an experienced truck accident attorney in Sacramento to know your legal rights and options.


Contact JG Winter Law for your truck accident case


Contact JG Winter Law: your personal injury lawyer in California

To address the complex legal aspects surrounding truck accidents, choosing the expertise of a skilled truck accident lawyer is crucial. Legal professionals can navigate the difficulties associated with the different types of truck accidents. The legal team at the JG Winter is the help you need when you need it most.

We are experts in solving such complex cases and holding those responsible for your pain and damages accountable. Our proven track record in personal injury cases, including truck accidents, speaks volumes. We are not just about winning cases; we are about restoring lives. Contact us for a comprehensive approach that increases the chances of a successful outcome of your case and secures the compensation you deserve.

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