Cycling on busy Sacramento roads can be troublesome due to the increased risk of accidents. In case you get into a bicycle accident in Sacramento, contact a Sacramento bicycle accident lawyer nearby. They will assess your case and make you clear on Sacramento bicycle accident laws.


Bicycle safety rules in Sacramento, California

Accidents are uncertain and can happen despite safety laws. The National Safety Council’s bicycle accident statistics reported bike accidents have increased by 44% in the last ten years due to various causes. Bicyclists in California should take bicycle safety into consideration to minimize the risk of collision. It is always advisable to follow precautions to reduce the risk of getting in a collision. Some of the bicycle safety rules in Sacramento are:


Wear helmets

Wearing the right helmet reduces the risk of serious injuries such as head injury. When you get in a collision, a helmet can save your head and brain from absorbing the impact, reducing the risk of damage.

Abiding by California’s bicycle helmet law is essential for saving lives and promoting safety among cyclists.

Check your equipment

Checking for your bicycle equipment, such as tires and brakes, before you start riding is crucial. Always check for the bike’s conditions and make sure it is in a condition to ride.


Use of headlights and importance of visibility

Using lights increases your visibility, establishing a clear presence on the road. Visibility while riding is crucial to enhance safety by reducing the likelihood of collisions with other vehicles.

If you’re riding in low-light situations or during nighttime, you must prioritize using headlights. Doing so not only enables you to see clearly but also guarantees that other road users are seeing you. Thus, utilizing front and rear lights is essential to minimize the risk of accidents resulting from poor visibility.


Practice riding defensively

Being alert when approaching driveways, sideways, and parking areas is crucial, as there may be other vehicles entering or exiting. Additionally, ride by making eye contact if possible. And even if you have the right of way, avoid presuming that car will automatically yield. Furthermore, maintain a consistent and predictable riding style.


arm signal for road safety

Illustration: Extend your left arm fully to the side for making a left turn. Likewise, for a right turn, extend your arm fully to the side, or you can bend your left arm upward at a right angle with your hand flat. To slow down or stop, extend your left arm at a right angle with your hand open.


Register your bicycle

Registering your Bicycle is crucial for different reasons, which include:

  • If your bike is stolen and registered, the police authority can quickly search for it. With the help of records, including your bike’s name, serial number, and registration number.
  • The registration of a bicycle boosts the probability of your bike being returned to you if lost or stolen.
  • It Helps to identify the owner in case of an accident. Many cyclists, including children, often don’t carry identification.

Thus, consider registering your bicycle for easy identification and recovery in case of theft or accident. If you’re a cyclist inside Sacramento, you can register your bicycle free on Ride On!


Laws on sharing the road, California

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 130,000 cyclists are injured yearly. Bicyclists in California are subject to the same road rules as other motorists. Thus, as a cyclist understanding local bicycle laws is crucial. The California Department of Motor Vehicles provides specific laws on sharing the road that include:

  • You must obey the STOP signs and red lights while following the basic right-of-way rules.
  • You must focus on the road to avoid potholes and other road debris. Additionally, provide signals whenever you change lanes and slow down when approaching an intersection.
  • Even though a bicycle lane is a designated traffic lane for bicyclists, motorists merge into a bicycle lane while making right turns.
  • When you approach the intersection, you must look over your left shoulder for traffic. If the traffic is clear, you may signal your turn and move.
  • Remember to yield to oncoming traffic before turning. Also, yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk.
  • When you ride in a bicycle lane or on a multi-lane road, you must look and signal every time you change lanes.
  • Even if you’re in a bike lane, don’t make left turns from the right side of the road.

Learn more about How to Avoid Bicycle Accidents at Intersections.


Statute of limitation for filing a bicycle accident claim in Sacramento, CA

The Statute of limitations for filing a bicycle accident claim in Sacramento, CA, is usually two years from the accident date. Although there is a deadline for filing a claim for a bicycle accident, in certain cases, exceptions arise. You cannot get compensation for your loss once you pass the given timeframe to initiate your case. So, it is crucial to seek legal help to protect your rights.


Exceptions to statute of limitations

Some of the few exceptions to the statute of limitation on bicycle accident claims include:

  • If your accident claim involves a government entity, the time frame is shorter than two years.
  • You must file a claim within six months from the accident date.
  • If you’re an injured cyclist and underage, the statute of limitations gets paused until you turn 18.
  • The two-year time frame resumes from the date you turn 18 years old.
  • In some cases, you may discover injuries after a certain time. In such a situation, the deadline extends to one year from the date of discovery of the damage.


The California Vehicle Code (VEH): bicycle laws

The California Vehicle Code (VEH 21200) outlines regulations for cyclists, providing them with rights and responsibilities on the road. Some of the key provisions to remember are:

  • The same laws and responsibilities as motor vehicle drivers apply to cyclists in California.
  • You can ride in the traffic lane if you’re riding at the same speed as traffic. Whereas, when you ride slower than motor vehicles, bike lanes should be used when present, except in some situations, such as turning or passing.
  • Regarding the equipment requirements for a bicycle in California, your bike must be of appropriate size for safe operation. Additionally, for safety in low-light situations, you must have specific lights and reflectors attached to your bicycle.
  • While riding, you cannot use freeways and expressways. You may ride on sidewalks if permitted by local laws.
  • Even though it is not allowed to park on bike paths. Moreover, if you’re under 18, wearing a helmet while operating a bike is mandatory.
  • Bicycle law prohibits distracted riding and DUI to enhance safety on the road.

Bicycle Laws mentioned under VEH are crucial for the safety and orderly traffic flow on California roads.

Most probably, most of us strike with a question about whether can you sue if you get hit by a car on a bike. The answer is that whether you can sue after being hit by a car on a bike depends on factors such as your state law. Well, in California, you may sue and qualify for compensation if you prove the liability. Legal claims for injuries incurred in a bike and a car collision follow similar principles as those for accidents involving two vehicles.


What to do after a bicycle accident?

The aftermath of a bicycle accident can be chaotic and full of multiple emotions. However, the steps you take immediately after an accident influence the nature of your claim. You may need clarification and guidance about what to do next. We have made a checklist to ensure your safety and rights. Consider following the given steps after a bicycle accident.

  • Safety always comes first. Take a deep breath and stay calm and composed. Doing so helps you make rational decisions.
  • Check for injuries and seek medical treatment. If you’re extremely hurt, call 911 and wait for medical help. Do not ignore it, even if the injuries are seemingly minor.
  • If you can move, get yourself and your bike out of the road to avoid further traffic or collisions.
  • Report the accident to the relevant authorities. When you report your accident, it enables you to build a strong case for your claim.
  • Get the details, such as names, addresses, phone numbers, insurance, etc., from the parties involved.
  • Gather evidence for the potential legal claim.
  • Collecting evidence may include documentation of a scene in photographs or videos. If there are any witnesses, document their statements and keep records.
  • Consult a Sacramento Bicycle Accident Lawyer before accepting any settlements. They can help you with the rightful compensation.


Contact a bicycle accident attorney at the law offices of J.G Winter


Contact JG Winter Law: your personal injury lawyer in California

Being injured in a bicycle accident can be a hurtful situation. It can be challenging to navigate the difficulties, and the complex legal process can add to your burden. It is crucial to act promptly, so contact a bicycle accident lawyer to protect your rights. We at the Law Offices of J.G Winter are experienced bicycle accident attorneys specializing in handling such cases. We can work tirelessly and ensure you get the maximum compensation.


Bicycle accident laws in California’s FAQs:


Is it legal to ride on the sidewalk?

The legality of riding on sidewalks depends on the local laws. In California, VEH section 21206 provides the authority to local governments to set their own rules regarding the sidewalks.


What is the recoverable compensation from a bike accident?

Both economic and non-economic damages are recoverable from a bike accident. Damages include medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and more.


Is it worth hiring a bike accident lawyer?

Yes, it is worth hiring a bike accident lawyer for various reasons. They can help you build a strong personal injury claim against the negligent party. We at the Law Offices of J.G Winter can assist you in your case and fight for justice. Contact Us now.

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