Can you sue if you get hit by a car on a bike?

Can you sue if you get hit by a car on a bike?

Questions like ‘Can you sue if you get hit by a car on a bike?’ usually arise if you are involved in a car crash as a bicyclist with another automobile. The answer is that whether you can sue after being hit by a car on a bike depends on factors such as...
Does car insurance cover bicycle accidents?

Does car insurance cover bicycle accidents?

In California, car insurance usually helps through uninsured motorist coverage or personal injury protection if a cyclist gets hurt by a car. In this state, the at-fault rule is followed, so you can ask the at-fault driver’s car insurance to compensate for...
What should you do after a bicycle accident?

What should you do after a bicycle accident?

Safety often takes a back seat in the excitement and the adventure of cycling. Such incidents can leave you shattered and confused. Indeed your focus shifts to your well-being after any accident. So, recognizing the necessary steps to take after a bicycle accident is...
What are the most common causes of bicycle accidents?

What are the most common causes of bicycle accidents?

There are 54.7 million people who ride bicycles in the United States. Due to the high number of bicycle users, over 130,000 people are injured in bicycle accidents, and over 1,230 die each year. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the most...