No two children experience Traumatic Brain Injury, or TBI, the same way. However, many children deal with intense...
How a Traumatic Brain Injury Can Lead To a Coma
When an injury damages specific sections of the brain, the nervous system is unable to send standard signals to the...
What Is the Average Recovery Time for Victims of Traumatic Brain Injuries?
Every brain injury is unique, and so is everyone’s recovery process. Some patients may require intensive rehab from an...
Can COVID-19 Lead To a Brain Injury?
While COVID-19 is commonly associated with respiratory illness, it has been shown to affect other parts of the body as...
Understanding the Link between Concussions and Neck Pain
A neck injury has the potential to be just as serious as a brain injury. The upper cervical spine (the bones of the...
Can Traumatic Brain Injuries Occur after Near-Drowning Accidents?
Swimming is a great activity for both leisure and exercise. Going to the beach or swimming in a pool can be the...
Are Injuries from Synchronized Swimming Linked to Traumatic Brain Injury?
Rather than performing on a stage, synchronized swimmers perform in the water. Synchronized swimming is similar to...
Can Exposure to Pesticides Cause Traumatic Brain Injury?
Could Pesticides cause traumatic brain injury? Pesticides are known neurotoxins used in agriculture, homes,...
Can Having ADHD Increase the Severity of a Traumatic Brain Injury in Children?
More than 300,000 children are treated for traumatic brain injuries (TBI) each year, while over 5.4 million children...
How a Brain Injury Can Affect Sexual Behavior
Each year, an average of 1.5 million Americans suffer a life-altering brain injury. While brain injuries may affect...