Can Spine Injuries Cause TBI?

Can Spine Injuries Cause TBI?

The base of your brain connects to your spinal cord. These two components make up your body’s central nervous system, and the nerves outside of those structures combine to form your body’s peripheral nervous system. Together, these systems control your body. How you...
How Do I Prove Negligence If I Get Hurt at a Store?

How Do I Prove Negligence If I Get Hurt at a Store?

When you enter a retail store, you have a reasonable expectation that the store is safe from any hazards. Most owners or store managers will do everything possible to make their stores hazard-free, but sometimes customers are injured because of unsafe conditions. Slip...
Understanding the 4 Different Types of Paralysis

Understanding the 4 Different Types of Paralysis

Paralysis, simply defined, is the inability to move, sense touch, or control bodily sensations due to an accident or medical condition. However, paralysis can come in different forms, and it affects people differently. Because of this, doctors classify paralysis into...