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Sacramento Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer
Never battle alone. We’ll fight with you. Hear what attorney Jeremy has to say!
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Helped thousands, secured millions.
Distracted driving is a major cause of accidents in Sacramento, with 74.3% of Californians citing it as a top safety concern. J.G. WInter Law specializes in holding negligent drivers accountable. Our Sacramento distracted driving accident lawyer will investigate your case to secure compensation for medical expenses, property damage and lost wages. Contact us today for a consultation.

What Is Considered Distracted Driving in California?
In 2019, distracted driving claimed over 3,000 lives in the United States. Car accidents caused by distracted driving are preventable, and California law enforces penalties for distractions behind the wheel, such as using a phone or electronic device.
California statute 23123.5 states:
“(a) A person shall not drive a motor vehicle while holding and operating a handheld wireless telephone or an electronic wireless communications device unless the wireless telephone or electronic wireless communications device is specifically designed and configured to allow voice-operated and hands-free operation, and it is used in that manner while driving.”
The only exception to wireless and electronic devices behind the wheel includes those mounted into the car, on the dashboard, and the driver is utilizing the device with a single tap or swipe. Any other use of an electronic device behind the wheel is prohibited and subject to penalties when law enforcement deems it necessary. When car collisions occur, it is very frightening and unfortunate. If fatalities and injuries result from a distracted driver’s negligence behind the wheel of a vehicle, a personal injury lawyer can help you seek the compensation needed to recover the damages you have endured.
Common Causes of Distracted Driving Accidents
According to the CDC, common causes of distracted driving involve visual, manual, and cognitive types of distractions. This research has also shown that drivers using cell phones and being distracted behind the wheel are missing fifty percent of their fields of view, such as a stop sign, a stopped vehicle, or a child.
Common distractions while driving include:
- Texting while driving
- Eating or drinking
- Interacting with passengers
- Interacting with children in the back seat
- Using and adjusting a GPS or radio
- Reaching for any objects
- Many other forms of distraction
Accidents that often occur due to distracted driving include:
- Rear-end collisions
- Side-swiping
- Head-on collisions
Distracted driving accidents are entirely preventable because drivers get distracted by trying to multitask, interact with passengers, talk on the phone, or do other tasks that can wait until they have arrived. In many cases, a driver can safely pull to the side of the road to respond to a message, adjust a GPS, or interact with a child or passenger when needed. Multitasking while driving increases the risk of causing serious accidents that do not need to occur.
Types of Injuries Sustained in a Car Crash
Car crashes are frightening and dangerous experiences, mainly when fatalities and catastrophic injuries may occur. When driving while distracted, a driver can easily rear-end, sideswipe, or cause any other type of collision because their full attention is not on the road or cars surrounding them. Depending on a vehicle’s speed, a crash may be a minor accident or severe motor vehicle collision. Accidents can occur fairly quickly, and even a minor collision can leave a driver seriously injured because of the impact.
Common injuries sustained in a car crash include:
- Whiplash
- Traumatic brain injury
- Head, neck, and back injuries
- Broken or fractured bones
- Internal organ injuries
- Soft tissue injuries
- Various other injuries and ailments
Regardless of the severity of the accident and injuries you have sustained, a distracted driver can be held liable for causing damage. A skilled legal team at our law firm can help you gather the information needed and help you understand your rights when filing a personal injury claim.
What Compensation Can I Recover from a Distracted Driving Collision?
After a collision caused by a distracted driver, a driver that is not at fault may collect compensation and file a personal injury claim against the liable parties. Witnesses, dash cams, street and business surveillance cameras, police reports, and other sources of information can help collect the proof needed to hold a distracted driver accountable for causing a crash.
Types of compensation recovery from a car collision might include:
- Financial hardships following the car collision
- Medical bills, expenses, therapy, and future medical visits
- Loss of workdays or wages
- Pain and suffering
- Wrongful death
- Other non-economic losses
- Other compensatory damages
An experienced car accident lawyer benefits your personal injury case after an accident. While you may be recovering and dealing with the aftermath of an accident, a legal team can support your claim and take care of what is needed to recover the compensation owed to you successfully. At The Law Offices of JG Winter, our dependable attorney understands what you are going through and all the aspects of damage and injury to include in your case.
Call Us Today – 844.734.2626 To Learn More !

Call the Law Offices of JG Winter for a Skilled Car Accident Attorney in Sacramento
At The Law Offices of JG Winter, our attorney Jeremy G. Winter is skilled in car accident cases and achieving favorable outcomes for those injured in accidents resulting from a distracted driver.

Our legal team is eager to continue helping our Sacramento clients after they have experienced a car accident and are ready to file their claims. Contact our office by filling out a contact form or give our office a call at (844) 734-2626 to schedule a free consultation.
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Law Offices of JG Winter
1540 River Park Dr Suite 114A Sacramento, CA 95815
Helped thousands, secured millions.